
History of Rancagua

epartment of Rancagua, 10 of which are segregated for the western sector subdelegations Department, which become part of the Department of Melipilla . The O'Higgins Province consists of 3 departments:Rancagua , Maipo and Cachapoal and its capital Ranchi, which takes on a new importance.

Came the first city newspapers, such as The Future ( 1871 ), The Phoenix ( 1872 ), The Lautaro , The Herald , The Twilight , The Patriot and The Progressive and The Village Voice . The Lautaro be the voice of balmacedistas in the Revolution of 1891 , and after the defeat of President Balmaceda newspaper printing was discontinued and looted.  In 1892 Rancagua reaches the Dr. Eduardo De Geyter , who would be appointed as city physician. His important work continued until 1925 , the year of his death.

Twentieth Century

Monument O'Higgins ( 1912 ).

The advances that began since early twentieth century allowed greater urban development of Rancagua. In 1903 it authorized the implementation of a system of trams on streets State and Independence , a project that would be finalized in 1919 with the installation of electric trams.

In 1912 was installed O'Higgins Monument of Heroes Square , replacing the pylons that existed in the same place. On October 18 of 1925established the Diocese of Santa Cruz de Rancagua by Pope Pius XI by Bula Apostolici Muneris Ratio . On April 25 of that year he formed the Chamber of Commerce of Rancagua .

In 1956 it was established that Chile would be the host country of the World Cup 1962 . After Valdivia earthquake that destroyed all the cities south of Talca causing over 5,000 deaths and two million affected, were revalued World Cup host cities, discarding Talca , Concepci�n ,Talcahuano and Valdivia , while Antofagasta and Valpara�so give up be venues because their stadiums could not be self-funded. However, theBraden Copper Company , which owns the mine El Teniente , allows the use of the Estadio El