
History of Floridablanca

these times, the Guanes and were a people decimated, enslaved and without identity as the Spanish imposed their religion and their customs underwent (The encomienda was the allotment of Indians between the Spanish conquistadors and they had to work their designs).


On March 16 of 1780 in the Plaza del Socorro (Santander ), a female voice but brave, rose among those who were there and ripping mercando memorials mandating further increases in taxes, incited the people to rebel against this abuse of viceregal government (Doña Manuela Beltran ). This was the trigger for the May 30 of 1781 José Antonio Galángave the cry of the commoner rebellion ended with deception in the capitulations to the Archbishop Antonio Caballero. The clock is ticking, and Spain comes the wise José Celestino Mutis , a mission, an inventory of the flower of New Granada , it was called " The Botanical Expedition ", his great patron was Don Jose Monino y Redondo , Count of Floridablanca and then minister of King Carlos III .

Mutis picked the cream of the wise youth Caldas , to Eloy Valenzuela , a Sinforoso Mutis , to Pedro Fermín Vargas , among others, those taking advantage of the large library of the wise, nurtured their dreams libertarians with documents such as the Declaration of the Rights man ( 1789 ) (it was the time of the encyclopedic D'Alembert and Diderot in Europe).

But the earth begins to produce fruits of freedom. Antonio Nariño , dares to translate human rights ( 1793 ) (from French into Spanish) fact
