
History of Floridablanca

on the table Ruitoque , in caves, where drawings were found similar to those in the sun stone found in the old part of town. In 1540 Martin Galeano conquered the region and defeated the Indians.

"The Guanes after Muiscas, were the pre-Hispanic people who most stood out for the comprehensive development of its cultural manifestations, which differed from its immediate neighbors: Yariguies to the west and northwest, Chitareros the northeast, east and Laches Muiscas south ".

The first inhabitants of the region where is located the city of Floridablanca, were the Guanes . They occupied territories of what is now Vélez , to the plateau of Bucaramanga , comprising territories Charalá , Socorro , San Gil , Barichara , Mesa de los Santos , Piedecuesta ,  La Vega de Saravita, the west bank of the river Chicamocha and Floridablanca.

According to historian Don Juan de Dios Arias, "They were the kind of Guanes continent, more than average height, white, gesture and look desembrazado franc had sharp nose and small mouth and horizontal. They were strongly built and developed by agricultural work and military exercises " .

Their food: Mainly corn , which they ground with two stones and buns made ​​with this flour and  porridge , and  cassava ,  pumpkin ,  squash ,  tomatoes and peppers ; hunted wild pigeons, rabbits, armadillos , deer, naques, ducks, partridges , fish and culonas ants . They drank  chicha  fermented and chewed cocaine .
