
History of Floridablanca

t means jail, and his subsequent escape on European soil, where advantage to enter request for support to the cause of freedom of the new governments grenade France and England , he returned to Santa Fe in1797 .

In Venezuela, Miranda landed in 1806 and proclaimed freedom of this country.

Proposed Establishment of Parish

Those were the events happening in the New Granada and who knew weeks and months after they had not rapid communications, only to by messengers on horseback or by boat on the river Magdalena.

The valley called "The Black Hand (or palmita), the site Bucarica , Zapamanga and rubbers , owners were populated by landowners , farmers and tenants, they belonged to theparishes of Girón , Piedecuesta and Bucaramanga . In looking for possible talks whether to establish a new parish (how to create a traditionally legally in Colombia ), most likely met several times giving its arguments, which were supported by the priest Eloy Valenzuela , pastor of Bucaramanga (former member and secretary the botanical expedition ) and together with the priests, lawyers Juan Agustín de la Parra as pastor of Slaughter , Dr. Juan Agustín de los Reyes as pastor of Cácota of Sorata and Dr. Pedro de Uribe Martilla of Rivers , pastor of Piedecuesta , this project also saw the creation of a focal point for trade in flour Valley River Surata of Piedecuesta snuff and spirits. "Not only a new parish if not for header and all provincial council" .
