
Location of Temuco

ommunes near Temuco.

Train Temuco - Victoria

It is a connection between the two cities, as Temuco-born Puerto Montt , but high demand intercity Araucan�a independence in 2007 generated a Temuco Travel- Victoria , by TLD-504 modern train that transports passengers between the cities, with substations that are quite public, through Victoria , Spike , Perquenco , Quillen , Lautaro , Lautaro Center,Pillalelb�n and Temuco, the train also has a daily frequency. The train has deferred cost for each station but between Temuco - Victoria has a cost of $ 800 pesos Adult, Senior Adult $ 650 pesos to $ 250 pesos Student, the company also offers special discounts and deferred costs.

TLD-504 in Temuco

Monday to Friday (times have step at all stations before named).

*    6:30 to 7:57 Victoria - Temuco

*    9:30 to 10:57 Temuco - Victoria

*    11:30 to 12:57 Victoria - Temuco

Daily (every day, also holidays).

*    16:30 to 17:57 Temuco - Victoria

*    18:20 to 19:47 Victoria - Temuco

*    20:00 to 21:27 Temuco - Victoria

In 2011 they started a campaign to state and EFE revive power train Santiago - Puerto Montt , which would have high costs but improve transport connections in the country, by 2012 and is developing a plan and a feasibility study of the railway and generation of funds.

Future Metro Temuco

There is also a project to build two metro lines , a north-south and the other from west to east. And it is speculated to build a tramway from Padre Las Casas to the new airportwhich is under construction in the sector Quepe