
Travel to Vina del Mar

transportation which was inaugurated on 23 November 2005 . Valparaiso has a Metro line from the port, to Vi�a del Mar, following the commune Quilpu� and Villa Alemana to end in Limache , a city that does not belong to Gran Valpara�so . The route was drawn up Limache, because many of their citizens used the old Metrotren service, operating MERVAL subsidiary of EFE in Valparaiso and Metro operates the same as today. Line 1 has 20 stations and 43 km in length. Currently, Metro Valpara�so has implemented to complement the system bus service that operates in more meters and Olmu� Limache Viejo, besides the satellite village communes composed of Quillota, La Cruz and La Calera.


Currently at the aerodrome and Naval Air Vi�a del Mar, which depends on the Navy and that formerly belonged to the Vi�a del Mar, not operate airline . Previously the airline Ladeco had, as one of its routes, this airport . The company stopped flying the route due to lack of sufficient passengers to make it profitable. The reason for this was that, in those years, it was faster and cheaper to travel to Santiago by car or bus to travel to the airport. However, the sustained growth of tourism and higher education establishments in the town of Vi�a del Mar and Valpara�so rest of Great make plausible the reopening and expansion of the air terminal that could become the Valparaiso International Airport, due to the intention of several national and international airlines interested in operating in the area.

One of the major drawbacks of this airport and definitely preventing its use in commercial operations, is that its runway is too short, with a length of only 1756 meters, so it is completely inadequate and unsafe to operate aircraft of medium and large size. The solution would be to extend the track to a suitable length (minimum 2500 meters), which would start commercial operations at this airport that is located