
History of Girardot

quilla and Girardot in 1921 while establishing routes between the cities of Barranquilla, Girardot and Neiva, on July 23, 1929 regular routes were established between Girardot and Bogotá.

With the fall of railway communications in the country town but again economically decaying conditions and its strategic location in proximity to the capital city and a pleasant climate and a landscape becomes a place of recreation and resort to the capital . Thus the economy focuses on tourism, creating great hosting infrastructure, recreation and relaxation in and out of the city. This new economic dynamics generates new dynamics of urban growth extending through the city roads and main output on the old Pan-American highway running through the city. That's where the old village of growth Ricaurte is elevated to city status in 1968 while removing Girardot Municipality.

Today the city of Girardot is the tourist tradition and is a center for development of the entire region
