
History of Tutaza

fighter for the defense of his district, which he used to be a favorite of Tundama not forget that it was also their major tributaries. The Cacique Tutazua preserved old enmity with the Cacique Boche of Socha , because he had violated a defeat to his tribe, so was looking for an opportunity to duel. Boche who accepted the challenge and inviting him to the duel be held in the gorge on the left bank of river Chicamocha . When both Chiefs were in the place agreed, the fight began. The Tutazúa seeing that his rival was not as weak as he had imagined. Boche Tutazua attempt to throw the abyss, failed to achieve target. The fight ended when a movement Tutazua placed at the edge Boche and they rolled down the cliff to bury in a deep well.The tribes that were stunned and puzzled at being without their bosses they agreed peace right there.

The Cacique was Tutazúa Tomagata brother cacique that ruled near Tunja but fearing the arrival of the Spanish moved to the village after crossing Betéitiva that now bears the name of Tutazá.

The Catholic religion was widespread in the territory by parents Augustinians , who had their convent in Otenga principal municipality ofBeteitiva . Regarding the development of the population at that time was the main Guardian King of Kings, who was present and aware of the proclamation as a municipality according ordinance Tundama Provincial House.

Parents doctrinero Augustinians built a temple, which was a very simple construction, there began to worship the Virgin of the Rosary of Tutazá. The current pastor is Jose Ramirez Arturo Sanabria.

Before the eighteenth century, was venerated this image, because in 1650 he organized
