
Location of Caripe

Caripe has been known as a place where berries grow. There are a few stores that sell strawberries with cream. These stores have been an attractive tourist stop for many years and they also sell many byproducts (e.g. jams, mermelades, wines, etc.). Albeit strawberries had been grown for a period of time under the auspice of U.D.O. (Universidad de Oriente), they are no longer grown there in significant quantities. Most strawberries nowadays come from the western part of Venezuela (e.g. M�rida, Barinas, San Cristobal, etc.)

There are a few small farms that grow organic berries such as: Raspberries (frambuesas) and blackberries (moras).

There are a number of places in the mountains round about where you can see Caripe and its beautiful landscapes