
History of Esteli

partment and gives rise to the economy , which continues to grow with the establishment of the first banks and corporate finance.

In the year 1960 starts growing snuff from the hand of employers Cuban exiles who brought seeds from the island and start a agribusiness that prevails today. For 1970 , stood out for its powerful Estelí baseball team that stuck in the likes of Porfirio Altamirano (who later played for the Chicago Cubs and the Philadelphia Phillies of Major League Baseball ), Albert Williams (who reached the big leagues Minnesota Twins ) Douglas Moody ,Howard Omier , Victor Filippini , César Jarquin , Vicente López , Alberto Chavarria and other prominent players.

Estelí rose against the Somoza dictatorship in September of 1978 . The fight lasted a week and faced the National Guard of the dictator and a column FSLN with a group of popular combatants. The population of the city of Estelí, true to its history, actively participated in the fighting by supporting the construction of barricades. The city is bombed while the organization of the population makes for 13 days to hold open the front
