
History of Esteli

ot subject to the law.

Transfer to Plain Michigüiste

At the beginning of the nineteenth century , on March 11 of 1823 , is managed by the authorities of Leon , which depended on the time, the transfer of the town due to the attacks of Matagalpa, the abundance of wild animals attacking livestock and the low productivity of the land. The place chosen for the new location was Michigüiste plain, which belonged to the San Diego Chaplaincy Guarumo or Guaruma since 1772 . The transfer is made ​​to the land donated by the owners of the Chaplaincy were some 128 blocks across the river, which then was called the Rio Grande. At such times the urban structure was defined by locating the park, the cathedral (at that time a simple church) and the town hall. The Trustee Don Lanuza Leandro asked the mayor of the town that:

moves this Villa to plain and desocupemos Michigüiste this place where we live few neighbors, so insalutifero and uncomfortable already at two years and has not been verified translation, patient being unchurched with only a few houses damaged
