
Religions of Rezekne

Due to Rēzekne's multi -ethnic character throughout the centuries, many religious communities have settled in the city. Ethnic differences were often distinguished on religious lines; the Germans brought Christianity to Latvia in the 13th century, as well as Lutheranism during the Reformation Period. The Polish influence over Latgalia in the 17th and 18th centuries strengthened Catholicism among the native Latgalians. Incoming populations of Russian Old Believers introduced Russian Orthodoxy, and up to the 1940s, Rēzekne had a very large Jewish population, and therefore, many synagogues.

The Catholic Cathedral "Vissvētā Jēzus Sirds" (Sacred Heart of Jesus), (built 1893-1914) dominates Rēzekne's skyline looking from the castle hill. "Vissvētā Jēzus Sirds" was built on the foundations of an older wooden church, dating from the 17th century, that burned down. The other Catholic church, "Sāpju Dievmāte" (Our Lady of Sorrows) is much newer, built from 1935-1939. Other churches include the Old Believers "Svētā Nikolaja" (St. Nicholas), Russian Orthodox "Vissvētākās Dievdzemdētājas piedzimšanas", Lutheran "Svētās Trīsvienības" (Holy Trinity), as well as a Baptist church.

The church has an active choir whose members have studied music. A majority of the members work as musicians and enjoy their Sunday singing in the church