
Travel to Meran

Merano is located outside of the Brenner line and whether you want to reach the town by plane, by train, by bus or by car you have likely to reach before Bolzano and from this point Meran. Meran is located 33 km (20 miles) north-west from Bolzano.

By plane

The nearest airport is located in Bolzano.

Getting to/from the airport

Many hotels offer a transfer from Bolzano airport, especially if you book through a travel agency (in this case you probably have the possibility to have a transfer from other major airports). In the airport you will find some rent-a-car agencies.

By train

In order to get in Merano by train you have to arrive in Bolzano first and from here you can take the train to Merano (every 40 minutes). When you buy the ticket at the departure station you can have the ticket from Bolzano to Merano included, saying that your destination is Merano. The Merano Central Rail Station is close to the town centre.

By bus

Some German, Austrian and Swiss travel agencies offer direct bus connection to Merano. Normally international bus lines stop in Bolzano and from here you can take the bus Bolzano-Merano at the Bolzano Bus Station or other stops inside Bolzano (like Dominikanerplatz). Buses are run by SASA, which uses the same orange buses you can find inside cities, and SAD's, with grey-coloured buses (they operate on the same line). There is a departure every hour. A fare from Bolzano to Merano costs EUR 4 (only 2.61 with value card).

By car

You have to exit at Bolzano South on motorway A22 and taking the modern freeway, called MeBo. It is named MeBo because it's the fastest connection between MErano and Bolzano. In Merano there are three exits: Sinich/Meran Süd, Meran Zentrum and Algund (freeway end). If you are coming from Landeck in Austria or Engadin, Switzerland, you can follow the signs along the road