
Travel to Cesky Krumlov

By bus

From Prague, and other nearby cities or towns of Bohemia, getting to Český Krumlov by public bus is easier, faster, and cheaper than by train.

Student Agency  runs up to 8 buses per day between Český Krumlov and the Na Knízecí bus station in Prague, near the Anděl metro station. A one-way journey takes ~3 hours, and costs CZK 185. The bus stops at Pisek and České Budějovice. Cheaper and more comfortable than other public buses.

Upon arriving in Český Krumlov, there are two bus stops: the first is north of the castle, the second is the main terminal and is located east of the main square. Both stations are about a five to ten minute walk from the main square--from the north, walk down Latrán ulice, from the east, head westward and look for Horni ulice off the main road. Check which stop is closest to your accommodation before your trip.

Shuttle Cesky,,, and  operate comfortable daily bus service between Cesky Krumlov and the following cities: From Austria: Salzburg (3 hours, 950 CZK), Vienna (3 hours, 950 CZK), Linz (1.5 hours, 370 CZK), Melk (2.5 hours, 800 CZK), Hallstatt (2.5 hours, 1100 CZK). From other countries: Munich, Germany (4 hours, 1125 CZK), Bratislava, Slovakia (4 hours, 1700 CZK).

Bean Shuttle  operates direct shuttles between Cesky Krumlov and Vienna, Salzburg, Hallstatt and Prague for 800 CZK (35 EUR) per seat.

By train

Czech Railways  operates train service to Cesky Krumlov, via České Budějovice. From Prague Hlavní Nádraží train station (Praha hl.n.), the regular fare is CZK 261 (for two or more people, group rate, "skupinová sleva", is available, second person pays CZK 157, each extra person pays CZK 131). The online discount called "SporoTiket"  gives you a price of CZK 180 to CZK 200.

The train leaves every 2 hours, trip takes 3 hours 40 minutes and requires a