
Economy of Valle del Guamuez

jobs, a 5% indirect employment or underemployment and 5% of the agriculture, livestock and fish. Today about 50% live trade, 20% of the livestock, agriculture and fisheries, 10% of direct jobs and 20% underemployment. Valley Township Guamuez has been prey to many types of violence and that fit with the picture presented by the Human Development Report: Conflict, alley exit, when he says: "... the country is becoming less viable, largely because the conflict became entangled with other diseases and ailments exacerbated old to entangle the economy, politics and international integration of Colombia "(HDI COLOMBIA, 2003.110). These ailments and widespread evils have impacted more on marginal areas more intensely aggravating the lives of all the inhabitants, most of whom live in rural areas, 66.2%, than in urban areas, 33.8%. That is, it is not surprising that in this county the lack of water supply, sewerage, housing, health and other general aspects become more serious peasant life. This statement is in line with the same Human Development Report Colombia, when he says that the rural poverty rate fell from 40% to 87% in the last 30 years (HR, 42)

Valley Township Guamuez is one of many country towns where marginal reduction in social spending generates more negative impact among the student population, the children, the mothers heads of household, employment, health, housing, roads, information technology and communications, etc.., than any other region of the nation. This view is supported in the same report, when it is known that the Colombian social spending rose from 16.7% to 10% of GDP between 2002 and 2003, so that if this trend will end, at the end of the decade, in 5% (HR, 85), where the field is most affected, mainly marginal municipalities
