
History of Tenerife

historical weight clear abuse, ignored these special territories not only to Tenerife, but cities like Villa de Leyva , lack of legal and historical approach of those who signed on behalf of the people ignavo.

The archbishop-viceroy

Antonio Caballero y Góngora Viceroy he served between 1782 and 1789, succeeded John of Torrezal preceded Díaz Pimienta and Francisco Antonio Gil y Lemos. It was called the Viceroy-Archbishop and recognized for his role in the events of the Communards of 1781, when he led the official delegation that negotiated with the mutineers in Zipaquirá.

Imperial College of St. Catherine in the City of Granada, chaplain of His Majesty in the Royal Chapel of the city, lectoral canon of the cathedral of Córdoba, bishop of Chiapas and Yucatan, Archbishop of Santa Fe de Bogota, Knight Grand Cross of the order of Carlos III.His work is characterized by government creation Scientific Institute, better known as the Botanical Expedition, and the introduction of the study of the exact sciences, and for having stimulated the development and modernization of mining and, in the case of Mariquita, the application of new methods, for which brought the Swedish mineralogist D'Elhuyar. He was also the one who promoted the Franciscan missions in the plains and ordered to destroy the British colony in Darien.


Unfortunately the generations that followed this and other events but have been below the historic town, which has been and can be declared independent and sovereign state. And it has allowed is desmembraran Plate, San Angel or Holy Angel, Bosconia Ariguaní Chibolo and Zapayán, with consequent detriment economic, political and social. All for
