
History of Tenerife

1543. But Alcedo Antonio Herrera is clear in pointing out in his work that was cited in 1536, coinciding with the government of Don Pedro Fernandez de Lugo. All historians agree on the name of the "founder" Captain Francisco Henriquez and on January 20, differ in the year.But the date given by Antonio Alcedo Herrera, is successful.

This date is highlighted by Trinidad Vasquez Miranda, in his book "The Government of Santa Marta (1570-1670), published by the National Research Council of Hispanic Studies School of Seville, in its first edition in 1976, published in the CSIC Printing - Alfonso XII (King Sage) - in Seville. Seville is precisely where the Archive of the Indies, where the documents contain accurate information about what happened in the new Kingdom of Granada.

Meanwhile, the Junior version of Rosendo Miranda says: "The quest began, the night the drums resounded, inviting Aboriginal orgy. For the jungle disappeared Chimila terrified the Indians, as if it were the diabolical feat of "busiraco" evil spirit. It was commanded by Francisco Peninsula downloaded Henriquez prominent militia captain heroic sufferings which bloodless overpass and the banks seeded inhospitable bones and hollows of our valleys Mediterranean to consolidate the dominance of the Catholic Monarchs in the American Indian.

In this endeavor, on a high promontory situated on the east bank of the Rio Grande de la Magdalena, Francisco Henriquez descuajó manglaria to build the chapel and civil consistory, traced streets and crossroads mounted defensive halberds. By name put Tenerife, after thriving colonial city, Villa illustrious Spanish Fijodalgos and commercial center and cultural activity in twenty leagues around. With Cartagena and Santa Cruz de Mompox irradiated luster
