
History of Rioblanco

easts that beset the tiger, Creole lion, bear, snake and other critters less dangerous, they were always their enemies but with bravery and courage their way.


In the spirit of colonization they walked down a narrow path, several men, Francisco Hernández, Acisclo Vargas, Pablo Reinoso oliveros and Fermin. That route had been trajinada by three brothers Caicedo, unique surnames surviving group of rubber tappers, as mentioned before, the end of the last century wandered through southern Tolima but without any interest of founders, only exploit the quinine and rubber. Those same adventurers from Ortega, came loaded with salt, brown sugar, sperm, soap, matches and other items, courageous men who traveled the trails and returned within 30 days of hard work in the jungle, with lumps of eight pounds of weight to the back and they were nothing more than rubber balls were magnificent market. Of those characters, some sat firm footing, the northern and southern margins of a River, Mr. Nicolás Pérez and Jorge Quiroga settled, who settled in agreement arcifinio limit and boundary, the river. After descuajar mountain planted maize, cassava and plantain, also forming pastures animals soon appeared. All this happened before the civil war usually called "The Thousand Days."

The houses were built on stilts to sleep on the wattle, because of the danger of the beasts that abounded at the time. From 1899 to 1900 and for the same open trails, penetrated with the desire to establish plots Lords Filomeno Campos, Rufino Aguiar, Eugenio Mendoza, Silverio Hernandez (brother of Francis), and others who joined them that were already installed on the banks of the river and sought ways to organize your lifestyle, stably, was the general say that many of the men involved in the civil war and
