
History of Gramalote

onverted-space"> Lourdes in 1905 and the opening of the road to the town on 2 July 1938 facilitating trade in this part of the department. Later in the course of the road from Cucuta to the Atlantic coast by OcaƱa (in the 50s), the town known for some years a certain height to be passing travelers and traders in both directions. The declining importance of this route in the sixties was decisive in the stagnation of the municipality, which is experiencing a new revival in the seventies with the road to Carmen de Nazareth Township township Salazar and subsequent road link with the municipality of Villacaro.

Oblivion bureaucratic central government made the widening and paving of the road to see Cucuta delayed until the 90, setting a delay in the development of the economy, not just the town but in the region.

In 1910 the department of Santander
