
History of Floridablanca

d: "The constitution of the State of Santander, recognizing the absolute sovereignty of the individual and immanent to work, learn, teach, travel, write, has removed the obstacles that might arise in their education and welfare, leaving the individual effort and spontaneous moral and material progress of society. " On April 4th of 1859 the Papal Bull chose the Diocese of Pasto and elected José Elías Puyana as its first bishop, a fact which was held on March 16 of 1860. In 1884 on Sunday August 17 ​​in Floridablanca Navas Ceferino a recognized leader, broke out into open rebellion against the government of State, acknowledged the mayor of Floridablanca, starting at the 84 so-called revolutions against President Wilches. 1 In 1887 Don Christian Peter Clausen began work on his brewery Clausen Hope - Floridablanca. In 1890 began spool able Floridablanca Bucaramanga.

In 1893 telephone service was established Floridablanca Bucaramanga, were donated the land for the hospital and I think the welfare office. In 1899 the outbreak of War of the Thousand Days and Floridablanca: liberal-General Uriel Uribe was defeated in Piedecuesta on October 29 , he moved with his 2500 men Floridablanca to rebuild its ranks, then marched against Bucaramanga on 11 November , there Gen. Socorrano Juan Francisco Gómez Pinzón , who to demonstrate its value wounded in the leg bled to death, was taken to Stony and buried quietly evening November 13 in Floridablanca. -The hospital became Floridablanca charity and organized the blood bank of the army. - Was organized Floridablanca column, which admitted many children of this county, and
