
History of El Ceibal

'Hopet Ucanal. in 849, the new king dedicated a new building and trails, supervised by Jewel K'awil kings of Tikal and Pe Chan of Calakmul . Chatel Wat'ul ordered the construction of a new temple with estalas, with an innovative arrangement, in southern Central Square Set A.Structure A-3 consists of a pyramid low radial whose sculpted monuments have an inventive arrangement.

The last monument built by Wat'ul Chatel was erected in the year 889. This trail is also the last dated monument erected in Ceibal and in 900 the city was virtually abandoned, the entire region had been affected by the Maya collapse, and trade had stopped along the route La Pasión-Usumacinta.  Most of the Classic Maya capitals had been abandoned, and external support for Ceibal was gone.

Contrails Ceibal late show a marked reduction in quality over a period of forty years, losing the features of the Classic period, and carrying sculptures flatter and more raw than previous trails. This may reflect the loss of experience and specialized knowledge in the Terminal Classic, with artisans losing the ability to work monuments and great structures over time.

Modern history

The ruins of Ceibal were probably discovered around 1890 by loggers working for Hamett Mahogany Company. In 1892, Frederick Arts wrote the first report revealing the existence of the ruins, after the Guatemalan government had sent Petén to find materials to represent Guatemala at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893. He took molds of some of the trails and the resulting copies were included in the exhibition for the first time bringing to the attention of archaeologists recently discovered the ruins.  Two years later, in July 1895, Ceibal was explored by Teoberto Maler for the Peabody Museum of Harvard University . He made a plan of the site and discovered another stele. In August 1905 he returned to the site for further