
History of El Ceibal

ndent kingdom.  After 800 d. C. Ceibal fell into a thirty-year hiatus during which no new monuments were erected.

Terminal Classic

With independence began a new period of flowering, favored by its location along the Pasión River , a major trade route, for a short Ceibal became a prominent regional capital. Thearchitecture and pottery dating from this period show the links with the north of the Yucatan Peninsula and the Gulf of Mexico.  The seventeen stelae carved between 849 and 889 shows a mixture of styles Mayas and foreigners, between them a man with a mask representing peak Ehécatl , Wind deity of central Mexico, with a banner of Mexican-style speech coming from his mouth. Some of these trails have a stylistic affinity with murals painted Cacaxtla , a site in the center of the Mexican state of Tlaxcala . This hybrid style suggests that the new rulers of Ceibal Maya nobles were adapted to changing political conditions, by adopting a mixture of symbols from the Maya lowlands and central Mexico. Some of the trails foreign style, even lead calendrical glyphs are not Maya.  Ceibal Changes experienced in this period are associated with trade along the river controlled Passion Chontal . The Chontal Maya were warrior-traders from the Gulf of Mexico, showing a mixture of the characteristics of the Mayan culture and other cultures.

Glyphic texts in Ceibal indicate that the revitalization of the city was sponsored by a new alliance formed by the cities of El Caracol and Ucanal in the east, two sites that had not been affected by the Maya collapse .  probably tried reopen the old trade route over La Pasión and Usumacinta rivers and who were attracted by the location of Arillas River Ceibal Passion and good natural defenses.  The restructuring of Ceibal took place in the year 830 with the installation of the ruling Wat'ul Chatel as a vassal of King Chan Ek