
History of San Jose de Isnos

s to local development, major projects were managed in different people's governments: Aqueduct and networks, Colegio José Eustace Rivera, Salto Bordones Schools, San Vicente and Mortiño, Paving Way Isnos - El Cruce, Paving Isnos - Idols, Electric Sub Station, City Hall, Casa de la Cultura, Central Park, Urbanisation Montilla, pipeline, construction of schools; construction of stadium and sports center, etc.. The second important fact is presented on December 5, 1995, and the declaration by UNESCO (C-744 Code of UNESCO), Parks Alto and Alto de las Piedras Idols as HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE OF MANKIND. The Archaeological Park High Idols and Alto de las Piedras has historical significance due to the existence of unique examples of funerary structures of Augustinian culture and polychrome presence in some of these structures and statuary. Note that these parks are framed in the region where are located the Archaeological Park of San Agustín and the National Archaeological Park of Tierradentro, who share that same quality