
History of San Jose de Isnos

landowners Timothy Murcia and Mario Rojas to donate a batch made which culminated with the signing of the deed No. 239 on behalf of the Parish of Pitalito destined to found a town. For the year 1939 , the "Father Justin Mañozca directed the layout of the streets and the square of the town, accompanied by a group of neighbors, who pledged to build an organized home, and began construction of the chapel," boom earned him the village in the same year the category Police Inspection Department. After 10 years and for political management - management of Mr. Nereo Burbano Bolaños, Father Jesus Antonio Munar and other personalities, the adoption of Ordinance No. 24 of 1958 by which the town of San José de Isnos was built was achieved municipal territory complying with the segregation of land in the municipalities of San Augustine and Pitalito Saladoblanco.

The February 11, 1959 he was appointed as the first mayor Mr. Luis Muñoz Enrrique Navia. Becoming Township Isnos continues to this day, with many facts that have influenced transcendental form in the Political Life - Administrative, is how in 1963, the creation of the municipality and its alinderamiento ratified by Ordinance No. 019 the Departmental Assembly of Huila, later Inspections Bordones jump in 1974 and the Inspectorate of San Vicente in 1984 created, these bodies were finally removed as politicians departmental structures in the year 1997.

This process is strengthened when the shield is adopted by Order No. 001 of 1989, highlighting the ability to work of the residents, their friendship and their productive land; themselves flag was set by the Decree No. 004 of February 9 1990, with the blue, white and green colors and crest in the center. Two events mark a change in public and administrative vision in the town, the popular election of mayors occurred in 1988, that he gave a new
