
History of El Quisco

of Santiago to Melipilla, from there to Colchagua was entering for Peumo, was still for Pichidegua and the people of Colchagua, today Santa Cruz. Lolol was continuing towards, Nilahue, Las Palmas and [El Coipo], coming to Peralillo and close to Mataquito river, was approaching to the jurisdiction of Maule. It as that of major use during the 16th and 17th centuries. Nowadays there are in use diverse sections of this route.

The Road of the Coast

The third way " the costino or of the salt's road ", was dividing from Valparaiso passing for Casablanca, Llolleo and Santo Domingo. To Colchagua was entering for Navidad andRapel, until [C�huil] came to the Boyeruca lagoon and Bucalemu. Of the salt mines of this zone they were taking the salt to the capital and of there your name. followed it Route ofCamino del Inca nearest to the Polleros Road. Had a lot of deviations that correspond to the current road Casablanca to Algarrobo that was parting with this one at a height of El Totoral and the road froma El Totoral to Punta de Tralca .

Frontier road

The way of the Border was crossing the Central Valley and it corresponds to a great extent to the current Longitudinal one. Rancagua was passing for the villas of Rengo and San Fernando, already founded. Real backbone of the communications of the kingdom, it was used by ranchers and landowners to extract your products, which forced it continuous overhauling. Often these agricultural properties were in the habit of having a front towards this route, to bring houses, settlements and chapels over.


Vista beach of the North Quisco and the Rock of the Cinnamon-coloured one from the Peninsula of the South Quisco.

Among the personalities of public service that took forward the idea of transforming to the Neighbors' Meeting of El Quisco, The illustrious municipality of Algarrobo, Isidoro Dubournais, Mayor of the illustrious municipality of Algarrobo and President