
History of Dique Lujan

n the Cemetery of Escobar through the town of Engineer Maschwitz and ending his tour in Lujan Dam.

*  1969 The railway branch service linking with Dock Luján Maschwitz definitely closes, leaving the terminus of Dique Luján total state of abandonment by both the company Ferrocarriles Argentinos as by the National. At the end of December 1969 reached the old dock station Don Juan Fernando Sanchez Lujan with his wife, Helvecia Carmona and young son Daniel Fernando Sanchez, who years later would be the teacher's favorite pupil Daniel Viot being both featured artists diquenses plastics, whose works have toured Europe and America countries.

* 1970 - 1971 The railway branch routes definitely arise in its entirety from Luján Dock until Mr. Maschwitz, resulting in what the locals call "the dead end". The present building was constructed of School No. 16 "Reconquista". In the late seventies asphalted and illuminated the main streets and new pedestrian bridges were built on any channels set by Ortuzar century earlier, with rails railway branch disappeared. It asphalted the road between Route 27 and Villa cream, through which came the 721 bus line

*  1979 He settled in Villa La Ñata the Teutonia Rowing Club, after leaving his home to Tigre history.

*  Line 222 1983 fails, instead circulating Line 291 "La Central de Escobar", making the usual route from Escobar to Dam Cemetery Luján. On October 27 the current building opened in the municipal delegation, being in the building above the Health Center (La Salita). Soon come the Kindergarten 908 and José Hernández Popular Library already functioning at School No. 16

*    The 26 October 1991 on a rainy day dies Mauritius Pagés, natural son of Don Benito unrecognized Villanueva.

*    1992 Creation of the building dock Fire detachment Luján, Benavidez dependent Barracks. The fire department of Luján Dock hitherto operated in the former