
About Marmarita

Marmarita is a village located in northwestern Syria close to the Tartus Governorate but administratively belonging to the Homs Governorate since 1953.

All sources indicate that the current name of the village, Marmarita, is derived from the Syriac word Marmanitha, as this was evident in all religious and historical books and documents. What was explained in the Arabic Encyclopedia (by Dr. Ahmad Dawood) was wrong. The encyclopedia suggested that the name, Marmarita, was derived from the Syriac word Marmarato, which means god of gods, which has been mistakenly been viewed as the origin of the name Marmarita, even by the Syrian Television. Syriac speakers agree that the name Marmarita means a place that overlooks [another place], which is very reasonable as the village does overlook the Akkar plateau and the Mediterranean sea and Lebanese mountains. Orthodox and Catholic references confirm that