
Travel to Barranca de Otates

�    By land: in the City of Chihuahua, capital of the homonymous state, travellers will be able to choose amongst several firms of terrestrial transportation that have the towns of Barranca de Cobre as their destinations. These units are an economic alternative to visit the amazing Sierra of Tarahumara.

One of the main destinations is the Town of Creel, the entrance door to Barranca del Cobre; it is located at 264 kilometres from Chihuahua, a distance that is covered in 4 hours, approximately.

There are also buses setting off bound for the Town of Guachochi, at 344 kilometres from the state capital; the trip lasts approximately 6 hours following a dirt road. This locality is at 16 kilometres from the Barranca of Sinforosa, another famous ravine.

�    By air: it is not a widespread means of transportation, although there are various airstrips in the towns of Barranca de Cobre. One of them is located in Guachochi and the flight on a light aircraft from Chihuahua takes roughly an hour.

By train: it is the best way of arriving in the Sierra of Tarahumara, where Barranca del Cobre is situated; the railroad Chihuahua - Pacific sets off from the state capital and ends its "pilgrimage" in Los Mochis (Sinaloa). 87 tunnels and 35 bridges are crossed during the trip, and the old towns of Creel, Divisadero, Cerocahui and Bahuichivo are visited, amongst others.

The railroad provides two daily services: First Express and Economic Class; the difference is in the number of stops they carry out on the way.

The First Express takes 12 hours and stops at the tourist stations of Cuauht�moc, Creel, Divisadero (a reasonable time in order to appreciate the surrounding setting), Posada Barranca, Bahuichivo and El Fuerte. In addition, in order to facilitate touring the towns of the Barranca for travellers, they can get off the train for one or two days in a certain locality and then catch it back without paying an