
Travel to Liepaja

Liepaja is easily accessible. It is located 220 km (136 mi) west from Riga, 100 km (62 mi) north from Klaipeda, on the coast of the Baltic Sea. You can get to Liepaja by plane, train or bus from Riga, and by bus from Klaipeda or Palanga. You can get to Liepaja by your own car from Riga even faster than by public transport. Normally a bus ride from Riga to Liepaja takes about 3hours 30minutes, and a bit less than 2 hours from Klaipeda.

By plane

As of the end of 2009, all regular airline services to and from Liepaja were suspended. Check website. Palanga airport is just about 65 km (40 mi) south; it has some more direct routes all year round. Riga International airport (the largest airport in the Baltic states with many direct flights to Europe and Asia, including cheap Ryanair, Air Baltic and Easyjet routes) is 220km east from Liepaja city. Liepaja International Airport is located 7 km (4 mi) from the center and is connected with the city with bus number 2. It goes further than the center, so make sure to get off some stops after you have crossed the channel bridge in the center, otherwise you will end up in the residential area Ezerkrasts-2, which is nice too, since it is located near Liepaja Lake. This bus would take approximately 20 minutes to get to the center and it costs 35 santims. Make sure to validate your ticket, which you can buy from bus driver!

By car

There are two main roads going to Liepaja. One is A9 from Riga direction, and the other is A11, from Klaipeda, a city in Lithuania. Other roads are P111 to/from Ventspils, and many regional roads.

By hitch-hiking

It is pretty popular to hitch-hike in Latvia and if you want, you should try it for Liepaja, too. To get out from the city and hitch-hike from Liepaja to somewhere else, the tram is extremely good. Go to the north terminus, cross the railway crossing and you are in the hitch-hiking spot to Riga (also Ventspils)