
History of Tropea

principles. With the Norman conquest is begun, in Tropea, the rilatinizzazione, although the Greek language will be used for a long time. In 1066, for example, the bishop's seat was occupied by tropeana greek Kalokiro. To him, ineed, turned Sikelgaita, wife of Roberto il Giuscardo, to escape from the brother Ruggero d'Altavilla, falsely accused of having murdered his brother Roberto, in Mileto.

For a long time, then, the Byzantine rite was in use, where Latin was necessary for the faithful to build a church outside the city, ( S. Maria dei Latini, located at the Calvary today).

The urban center of Tropea grew strongly during the first centuries of the Middle Ages, so that in 1276 its population had grown to over 5,000 inhabitants, and, superarein sized cities such as Reggio Calabria. Already in 1500 the Tropeana's compagny is considered a cultured society, it is from this period, in fact, the birth of literary academy: the Academy of fatigue that incorporating, especially, patricians and members of the class honored. Tropea, like Naples, had a seat of local nobility; This will complement a second class, honored one of the people. For the two classes was reserved for the city government.

Vibrant culture is evidenced also by the elegance of the Reinaissance and Baroque splendor of many palaces. The economic crisis also hit ' 600 Tropea, especilly in its trade.

Tropea in 1612 was ceded to the Prince of Scilla, Vincenzo Ruffo.

Tropea did not suffer passively, sending, in fact, the court of Spain, the jurist Louis Lauro, Tropeano, to plead the cause for which, he arrived at the termination of the sale, thanks to the competition of the entire population tropeana in the payment of ransom back Tropea Thus, free! There were, however, other attempts to enfeoffed Tropea, all failed, for the desire shared by all social classes, to defend the state-owned status.

Tropea, due to the earthquake of 1783 and epidemics, will lose that