
History of Nuapada

The history of Nuapada is quiet old; Kings like Vyaghra, Arthapati, Skanda Varman, and Bhavadatta Varman ruled here in 4th and 5th centuries. The excavations have resulted in unearthing of gold as well as copper coins belonging to Sarabhapurita dynasty. Later on, region fell to Somavamsis in 8th century. Under these rulers, territory of the city was expanded. With the arrival of 11th century, Chola ousted the existing kings. Ganga dynasty occupied certain regions of the state during this time. It was Ganga kingdom that made Kalahandi a part of their empire and kept it for a long period of time. Marathas took over the city in 19th century but were defeated by British. Despite of many wars between the two, Marathas managed to get rule over a major portion. City finally fell to British and a separate Kalahandi district was created after independence