
Travel to Bastar


Raipur is the most convenient place from where one can explore Bastar. Travelers taking the air route for reaching Bastar have to target the only airport in the state located at Raipur.


There is only a limited railway facility available at Jagdalpur . The one and only railway line start from Kinadul(Dantewada Dist.) to Vishakhapatam which passes through Jagdalpur. This railway line is broad gauge and completely electrified.The approximate distance to be covered by the train to reach Vishakapatnam from Jagdalpur is 320 k.m.

Raipur is the nearest major railhead. Daily overnight trains connect it to Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai, Bhubaneshwar, and Bhopal.


Direct interstate buses are available from Jagdalpur to Vizag, Rajahmundri, Hyderabad, Vijaywada, and Koraput