
Travel to Seinajoki

The easiest way to come to Seinäjoki is by train . It takes roughly three hours by train from Helsinki to Seinäjoki, 40€ for a one-way trip.

*from Helsinki 2 h 35 min

*from Tampere 1 h 10 min

*from Oulu 2 h 55 min

*other cities: see Railway connections to/from Seinäjoki

There is an airline connection from Helsinki to Seinäjoki, operated by Finncomm airlines. Prices start from 49€ without taxes for the 50-minute flight.

Seinäjoki Airport (10 min from city centre)

Seinäjoki is small enough that most of the things to see are easily reached by foot. When you exit the station, you will be facing the center of town.

Taxi stands: Matkakeskus, Valtionkatu 1 (near the railway station and bus terminal)

Törnäväntie 21 (near Törnävänsaari and the Summer theatre)

Taxi connection from the airport to the city centre.

Seinäjoki is a very calm place with bike roads all over the city, making every spot reacheable by bike