
Economy of Villamaria

the town is approximately 28,000 hectares with coffee and timber crops occupy more area 2,300 ha, and 2,500 ha, respectively, follow him pope with 900 Ha ., fruit cold weather 650 ha, 400 ha banana, pulses 180 ha, 160 ha and vegetables In the fruit stand cold weather apple and Feijoo of which are estimated to be 150 ha planted The larger farms are mainly located in the cold zone and are engaged in livestock production, the potato crop is also commonplace.

INDUSTRY: VillamarĂ­a is considered, after Manila's most industrialized town in the department, factor in recent years has generated a significant number of jobs for its inhabitants and those of Manizales. The industrial zone is located on the Panamerican highway and has easy access to the urban area of Manizales. In the urban sector of La Pradera there an industrial center in the seat with major companies in the region.