
History of Sogamoso

of Quesada. According to the legend picked up by the Hispanic columnists, the dimensions of the original temple were such that this burned during six years without they turned off it the torrential rains. Sugamuxi accepted the religion imposed by the invader and it was baptized with the name Alonso and it was ennobled with the title of Don ',' that is to say, "Of noble origin". Under the peninsular domain, the importance of its cacicazgo entered in decadence. Don Alonso died in the city of Tunja, practically in the misery.

Soon after of the Cacique's baptism Sugamuxi,los cures missionaries began the construction of a chapel that would open the way to the first Catholic church with the time, in front of the square dedicated to future market square.

The columnist Lucas Fernández of Piedrahita it picks up the discovery of Sogamoso in the chapter III of their General History of the Conquests of the New Kingdom of Granada:

"The Captain San Martin has news of Tundama: he/she discovers á Sogamoso and it returns in search of the General Quesada that, newsy of the King of Tunja, he/she heads á their guided court of an Indian that Hernán trapped Venégas 

Fernández of Piedrahita, in the chapter V narrates the march of Quesada á Sogamoso, the looting of the city and the fire of the temple of the Sun.

In its Relationship directed to the Spanish Crown, the captains of Juan of Sanct Martin and Antonio of Lebrija, they sustain that the old inhabitants of the highland cundiboyacense were "... people that wants peace and non war, because although they are many, they are of few weapons and not offensive. guarnecían their frontiers with people of
