
History of Obando

natural recovery of the domains of the Cacique Patuma, when it began to take shape in the late nineteenth century, colonization "Antioquia" in territories that were part of the province of Cauca and subsequently gave rise to the Department of Valle del Cauca, after litigation where Vallecaucanos came out winners.

Groups of settlers in Antioquia increasingly numerous successive waves broke south of Antioquia by the Western Cordillera, taking as its starting point the population of Toro in the Valle del Cauca. In mid-1890, a large group of settlers left the town of Toro, and take the path to the west in search of the coveted hills, some seeking fertile land for agriculture and other sought the coveted gold. The forests recovered in full, dense, thick, impressive giant trees, proclaimed the youthful vigor of nature that had remained inviolate and pure for centuries.