
History of Montelibano

to transport passengers and food trade and to protect from sun and rain. These canoes were propelled with experts jala puja or sometimes were two that drove alternating shot or a constant start swinging.

On these trips the San Jorge river, had established sites such as rest days. One of these sites or days Port of Los Totumos called, named for the abundance of trees of this species there were, and continued until the 1950s, this place is a gas station today the river where the slab is.

Founder Montelíbano reaches our region

Anastasio was palmett Sierra Corozal, San Jose neighborhood, their parents and Rosa Sierra Innocent Paulina Palmeft was very poor, this made Magangué Anastasio decided to travel to in search of a better life; in Magangué began working as a bracero and met some traders who regularly traveled to high San Jorge adobe canoe, and they hired him as an assistant jala puja; but his ambition was not so much work there, he was a sower of cassava, maize and rice, he was a sower of auroras and constellations, so choked was the desire to know and free those fertile lands he had already spoken in the middle and upper San Jorge. He made ​​two trips to Magangué Juan José and Juan Jose Magangué in 1862 .

Reaches the age of 20 (born in 1842). Then he went to live in Juan José and met Rosalia Trespalacios, Caceres, wearing long dress and sent him on his day demure and special lineage, thin, brunette, short and smooth talking women factions and healthy behavior. Anastasio was a bit rough his face, for he was achinao, and says those who knew what good character, short, straight hair, short nose and flattened medium brown eyes, forehead expanded and a smile reserved with manicured teeth and chin one little square with
