
History of Jardin

t;Cambria","serif";mso-bidi-font-family:Arial" lang="EN-US">According Antioquia Monographs published in 1941 by the Union Brewery  of Medellín , "accompanied Don Indalecio Peláez , among others,  and Jesus Maria Raimundo Rojas, Juan, Antonio, Jose and Ignacio Rios, Santiago, Lino, Peter and Ceferino Colorado, Hipólito Arenas and Balthasar, Nicholas Rozo, and Raimundo Amelines Bonifacio Gil. "

Regarding the name "Garden" that holds this town, the chronicles that when the founders came from the so-called Alto de las Flores , populated sietecueros saw the valley by then jungle, full of white Yarumos crossed by two streams , and exclaimed: "This is a Garden".
