
History of Heliconia

rales Arboleda. It also consists of 15 villages. The town is connected by road with the municipalities of Ebéjico , Medellin , Angelópolis and Armenia . More than half of Medellín-trip heliconia is paved paths and sidewalks are also corregimeintos uncovered, and are in very good condition. visit us.

Origin of name: No total clarity in this regard. Some versions say that is due to growing flowers of heliconia , and also there is a tree called heliconia . Others say it comes from a derivation of a hill known as Helicon .

The population of Heliconia was previously also called  Arvi ,  Murgia  (instead of salt) and Guaca , the latter named for the burials of indigenous treasures.

This town holds a rich history that still some testigios realize its archaeological sites. He was also a producer of salt, of that time are the ruins of their enables. One of the best plans is to go fishing Sabaletas.

This city is from the legendary "Cosiaca" a definitive character in mood Antioquia.

Although old but as examples, here are some selections of humor  Cosiaca cited the "Testament of paisa", by Londoño Jaramillo Augustine :

Being once in a festival of Guaca (now Heliconia), Cosiaca came to an inn, despite not having money to pay, and called "a well sancochito good, but as I served in my house." When they brought lunch and ate it went very quiet without paying the bill.

The innkeeper's wife caught him and asked
