
History of Guadalajara de Buga

name of: New Jerez de los Caballeros, the location was in the headwaters of Bugalagrande (district of La Marina in Tuluá). Meanwhile the Third Foundation made ​​between 1,557 - one thousand five hundred fifty-nine was ordered by Governor Luis Guzman and performed by Rodrigo Diez de Fuenmayor and was named Guadalajara de Buga . The location was in Tunessi Valley - Desert of Sugarloaf. After the transfer of Foundation became the March 4 of 1570 , ordered and executed by Gov. Alvaro de Mendoza y Carvajal, baptizing Guadalajara of Our Lady of Victory in Buga . And finally the final transfer was in 1573 the site now occupied, ordered by Governor Jerome de Silva and Beltran Unzueta executed by receiving the name of Guadalajara de Buga . The residents of Guadalajara de Buga, given the circumstances noted and little land suitable for agricultural activities they had, asked the High Authority of the population moving to flat land. During the time of conquest lands were inhabited by various tribes and brave warriors who resisted the invasion of their land by the conquerors, these warriors were called the "straights", hence its current name.

It was rebuilt in the Indian Territory Quinamanoes in the region called "Babaya" that was located in the mountainous area at the foot of Sugar Loaf Hill. In the second founding the city was called "Guadalajara de Buga" and a third with the same name, to come later capital of the province between1834 and 1887 , when it was organized as a municipality, in 1908 it was the capital of the Department Buga for twenty months, and this, the shortest period between one and creating another department in the same territory, until the creation of the Department of Valle.
