
History of Florencia

Florence route needed to mobilize troops on their way to the front of the conflict for the possession the Amazon rain forest between Peru and Colombia . The road was begun in October 1932 and was completed in June 1933 .

Second half of the twentieth century

By Decree 963 of 14 March of 1950 the National Quartermaster Florencia Caquetá and was designated as the capital was created. In the 1950s was encouraged by the creation of new religious schools like the Ecole Normale Florence , Juan Bautista Migani and Sacred Hearts, beginning the literacy Florentina population.

In the 1950s , under the influence of waves of immigrants fleeing political violence in the Midwest, the village began to widen, giving rise to the first neighborhoods. In 1962 , a great flood of the River Axe resulted in the formation of new districts such as Siete de Agosto, Torasso, Alps, La Libertad and John XXIII.

From the 1970s , the Caquetá lived to sway the drug economy, like the violence generated by groups outside the law. From the economic point of view, beyond the emergence of a industrial livestock economy like Hacienda Larandia , most settlers continued into the forest to open agricultural frontier territory.

In 1981, he created the department of Caquetá and Florence was ratified as its capital. In 1984, an
