
History of Coello

bore the name of "New People of the Bocas Trinidad Coello River", also were part of the old Llano Grande.

After the Spanish subdued the pijaos, Mr. Espinosa Lesmes Sarabia, board of his Majesty of Spain and oldest of the Royal Audience of the New Kingdom of Granada hearer commission conferred by him and Don Juan de Borja parcels Alonso Ruiz de Saojosa, founded a village at the place called ¨ New People of Trinidad ¨ in land Cuniras, Metaymas, we act and Doimas, on July 5, 1627, to which he gave the name Coello, date that since then is celebrated as the day of its founding.

By Decree No. 264 of October 1880, he was removed as a village, not having public buildings for offices, schools continuous and sufficient income to support his administration. Subsequently, by Decree No. 149 of October 1882 he returned his category village, to reward the effort that had been making its inhabitants to turn the town into an important place. According to Decree 650 of October 13, 1887 was elevated to the a municipality, the name of Coello, after the river that bathes.

The Departmental Order No. 36 of June 26, 1947, created the Police Inspectorate Gualanday recognized town of the municipality.