
History of Quintero

rsonnel and equipment was established in one of the largest in South America. Has met important milestones in the development of aviation as:

*   Link the continent with Easter Island on January 20, 1951 in "The Manutara".

*  Join the Chilean Antarctic continent on December 28, 1955. 3

Since 2009 the air force launched the so-called "Phoenix Project", aimed at making Quintero Air Base in the new institution's strategic location in central Chile, through the construction of a second track great length, which could be used for large airliners can aterizar Incident at the Santiago airport  This initiative included the burial of the Quintero path through a tunnel 180 meters long under the new slab, which extends from the Bay to the vicinity of the railway crossing Ritoque.

However, once the track, putting into full operation has become contentious, as the Comptroller of Valparaiso has challenged its operation because the area involved is in an area devoted to forest use, according to the Plan Inter comunal ( PIV) 1965. 5 The recent approval of the new Metropolitan Master Plan for Valparaiso , after nearly 19 years in the pipeline, both allow full use of the track as the urban expansion of the city to the river Aconcagua Quintero