
Travel to Sofia

togara/????????? ????????)is located near the city center. The website gives a listing of all domestic and international departure & arrival times and costs. Bear in mind that there are three other bus stations for minor destinations.

*    Many Bulgarian and International bus operators maintain scheduled lines covering all major domestic and European cities, like many cities in Greece and Macedonia,Istanbul (Turkey), Vienna (Austria), Belgrade and Ni� (Serbia) and several times a week to different cities in Western Europe all the way to Portugal.

Timetable of International bus by major bus company MATPU 96:  in Bulgarian.

By train

International trains provide a large number of routes to Sofia, arriving from such places as Kiev, Istanbul, Vienna, Belgrade, Bucharest, Moscow and other common cities.

The primary trains from Bucharest to Sofia, and back, run twice daily through the border cities of Giurgiu and Ruse. For example, recent trains are scheduled from Bucharest to Sofia in the daytime departing 12:16/arriving 21:33 and a night train departing 20:04/arriving 06:00. From Sofia to Bucharest there are also two trains: a) Sofia 07:45 - Bucharest 17:19 and b) Sofia 19:30 - Bucharest 05:44. One way ticket is around �25up. Passport control and customs takes place in Giurgiu (RO) and Ruse (BG), approximately mid-trip. Check local train stations for more up to date information.

Unfortunately trains to Greece are discontinued (March-2012)

To Istanbul, the train costs 70 leva, the train departs at around 18:30 and arrives at 9:00.

All services are operated by the Bulgarian State Railways , whose schedules are available on the internet in English.

The main railway station (Tsentralna Gara) can be somewhat confusing. Domestic departures go from the main terminal and that is where you can buy tickets for domestic travel. If you want to travel to an international destination, on