
Travel to Burgas

Buses and trains from different destinations in Bulgaria arrive several times per day.

By plane

Burgas airport (BOJ)  is located in Sarafovo district and it accepts numerous flights from all over Europe, especially in summer.

*    International WizzAir offers flights to London Luton, S7 to Moscow.

*    Seasonal: In addition during the summer season from May until September charter companies offer flights from UK, Ireland, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, etc. to Burgas. Check the Burgas airport website to receive actual information on departing/arriving airlines operating this season.

*    Internal flights: Bulgaria Air offers every day flights to/from Sofia.

It is possible to use the bus 15 to reach the airport. The rise costs 0,90 leva (about 0,45 �) and lasts about 30 minutes. This bus starts at the train station about every 30 minutes from about 6 am to 11 pm.

There is a free shuttle bus between Varna Airport, Varna city centre and Burgas Airport.

By train

Regular international train lines travel from Burgas to:

*   Moscow, Kiev

*    Prague, Bratislava, Budapest, Krak�w

The central train station is in the very heart of the city and next its building is bus station South which is the main point to all small summer resorts and villages in the area like Sozopol or Sunny Beach.

Tickets are sold in the train station building. For reservations call +359 56 845 022 or +359 56 844 501 or visit the Bulgarian Railways website .

By bus

There are very convenient buses from every city in the country to Burgas. Most of the buses coming to the city have a few stops before reaching the Central bus station - South. There are also many buses coming from Turkey and Greece.

*    Domestic bus lines: Every operating company has their own