
History of Podersdorf

Discoveries from the Stone Age and Bronze Age show that the area around Podersdorf has been populated for a very long time. 9 AC the province 'Pannonien' was established. Deforestation of oak woods by early dwellers lead to the bleak Puszta landscape that predominates today. Podersdorf was regularly exposed to raiding horse people like the Huns, Magyars or Avarst. In the 13th century the earl Poth took over Podersdorf and Potzneusiedl, what explains the name change from Altdorf to Podersdorf. In the Schengen document of the year 1217, which was a evidence of the donation to the Cistercian Order instructed by King Andreas II, the village was evidenced by documents for the first time.

Until 1919/20, Podersdorf was named 'Patfal' and was part of Hungary. After the First World War, Burgenland was named Deutsch-Westungarn (German-West Hungary) in the 1919 Treaty of St. Germain and the Treaty of Trianon and was awarded to Austria in 1919. Since 1921, the town has been part of the newly founded State of Burgenland