
About Klosterneuburg

Klosterneuburg is an attractive small town in Lower Austria, Austria, with a population of 24,442.

It is located on the Danube, immediately north of Vienna, from which it is separated by the Kahlenberg and Leopoldsberg hills. It has been separated from its twin city of Korneuburg on the other side of the Danube since the river changed its course during the Middle Ages.

Klosterneuburg was founded by Margrave Leopold III and developed in conjunction with its famous monastery. Leopold III and later Leopold VI (the latter only during part of his reign) had their residences there. From 1938 to 1954, it constituted the 26th district of Vienna. Today, it is the site of light industry and, whilst not belonging to Vienna, has almost the feel of a suburb. The well-known Essl Museum of contemporary art and the new research institute IST Austria are located in the town.

Due to its hilly location, Klosterneuburg has several geographical areas known as Klosterneuburg-Stadt, Kierling, Weidling, Weidlingbach, Kritzendorf and Maria Gugging. It also has two main shopping areas, the Niedermarkt and the Rathausplatz, separated by a steep hill.

The Klosterneuburg Monastery, the existence of which was first documented in 1108 and soon after was given to the Augustinians, is of particular historical importance