
History of Ishull-Lezhe

Turkish -Venetian historical documents of the century. XV frequently Lezha Island. General information is in Journals of M. Sanutos . Lezha was captured by the Turks in 1478, the city was burned and destroyed, and its inhabitants were moved to an area not far from the island formed at the end flow of river Drin. Clarendon island became a principal residence for lezhjanet.

On March 5, 1501, on the island of Clarendon, Italy landed troops grandson of George Kastriot Skanderbeg , known as Skanderbeg new . He headed the rebellion pan, but suffered defeat soon. In the years 1478-1501, for 23 years, Isle of Clarendon, was the only country on the coast of Northern Albania, which remained free, independent and veteadministrueshem