
Culture of Czestochowa

also seeks to present contemporary Polish music and to promote young composers through "Musica Sacra" - The International Competition for Young Composers. The Gaude Mater festival also addresses problematic aspects of sacrum in music during various seminars organised during the Festival.

The Night of Culture, the annual cultural event organised in Częstochowa. For a single fare, one can attend plays, performances, concerts and exhibitions specially prepared for that night.

Days of Cżęstochowa

Days of European Folk Culture

Days of Christian Culture

Low-key Jazz

Kalina Jędrusik Festival

Worldwide Congress of Częstochowians

The Częstochowa Song and Dance Ensemble operates under the auspices of Gaude Mater.

Music Festivals

The International Festival of Sacral Music "Gaude Mater"

The International Festival of Traditional Jazz "Hot Jazz Spring Częstochowa"

Częstochowa Festival of Alternative Culture "Frytka-OFF"

ReaggeON Częstochowa

Aleje tu się dzieje (Avenues - Something's going on
