
Culture of Zell an der Mosel

appensitzungen (Carnival events) and Rosenmontagsumzug (Shrove Monday parade) from Zell-Kaimt to Zell-Mosel

Zell has the following clubs:

�    KKG e. V. Zell-Mosel (carnival and fair club)

�    Verkehrs- und Heimatverein (transport and local history)

�    Gewerbeverein (industry)

�    Aktivkreis Stadtgestaltung (�town design�; subgroup of the Gewerbeverein)

�    Ruderverein (rowing)

�    Tennisclub

�    St�tzpunktwehr der VG Zell (firefighting): Town of Zell-Mosel Volunteer Fire Brigade, Zell (Merl) Volunteer Fire Brigade

�    Junggesellenverein Merl 1857 e. V. (bachelors� club)

�    Merler Weinfreunde (�wine friends�)

�    Orchester-Vereinigung der Stadt Zell (Mosel) e. V. (orchestra)

�    Winzertanzgruppe Zell e. V. (�winemakers� dance group�)

�    Zeller Turmsch�tzen e. V. (�Tower Marksmen�)

�    Kolpingsfamilie Zell (Mosel)

Zell has the following sport and leisure facilities:

�    Adventure pool

�    Sport stadium

�    Rowing clubhouse

�    Tennis courts

�    Miniature golf course

�    Bowling alley

�    Campground

�    Caravan parks

�    Collis via ferrata

The lookout tower on the Prinzenkopf offers a panoramic view of all Zell�s centres and also of P�nderich, Bullay and the Marienburg